Healing Pennsylvania's Wounds is a posthumous publication of Darrell Fields' original essay on William Penn's 17th century vision for the New World and reveals the contingency of the "seed of a nation" (Penn's words) message to future generations. It is less about Pennsylvania than it is about humanity struggling to offer the liberties it seeks for itself.
The story of Penn and Native interaction and love stands in sharp and perplexing relief against a hostile world already bound to enslave others - a western world which had universally cast itself in Christian terms. That is the confusing part and why the story of love as an operating principle in society remained a seed, especially when loving God, loving one's neighbor, and even one's enemies (some of the most notorious statements in Christian teaching) has often been lost on humanity throughout time. That's why this little book and this big story are important. Reconciling the ideals with who we really are is what every generation is asked to do to live true and be brave enough to actually "give the liberties we ask" (William Penn).